BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.6// VERSION:2.0 X-WR-CALNAME:Calendar Of Events X-WR-CALDESC:Lists the events X-WR-TIMEZONE:USA BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101009T121635Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20101005T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101009T121635Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20101005T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101009T121635Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dine LA Restaurant Week – October 3 – 8 and 10 – 15\, 201 0\n\nDine LA Restaurant Week – October 3 – 8 and 10 – 15\, 2010\nBev erly Hills’ restaurants are home to some of the world’s best chefs and a mix of culinary experiences embracing international and eclectic cuisin e. DTSTART:20101005T000000 DTEND:20101015T000000 SUMMARY:Dine LA Restaurant Week – October 3 – 8 and 10 – 15\, 2010 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101009T121635Z CATEGORIES:Events at Luxe Hotel Rodeo Drive DESCRIPTION:dineLA Restaurant Week\n\nIndulge yourself in a selection of sp ecially priced three course menus from some of LA's best restaurants. Lunc h from $22 per person / Dinner from $34 per person DTSTART:20101005T000000 DTEND:20101015T000000 SUMMARY:dineLA Restaurant Week END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR