BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.6// VERSION:2.0 X-WR-CALNAME:Calendar Of Events X-WR-CALDESC:Lists the events X-WR-TIMEZONE:USA BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100801T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100801T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100801T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100801T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100802T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100802T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100802T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100802T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100803T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100803T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100803T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100803T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100804T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100804T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100804T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100804T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100805T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100805T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100805T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100805T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100806T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100806T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100806T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100806T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100807T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100807T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100807T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100807T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100808T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100808T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100808T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100808T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100809T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100809T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100809T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100809T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100810T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100810T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100810T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100810T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100811T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100811T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100811T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100811T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100812T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100812T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100812T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100812T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100813T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100813T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100813T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100813T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100814T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100814T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100814T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100814T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100815T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Art DESCRIPTION:The Fabric of Your Life: Family Tree Tapestry\n\nBring your kid s and other kin and spend the day making a one-of-a-kind family tree from your own meaningful fabrics. DTSTART:20100815T000000 DTEND:20100815T000000 SUMMARY:The Fabric of Your Life: Family Tree Tapestry END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100815T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100815T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100815T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100816T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100816T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100816T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100816T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100817T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100817T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100817T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100817T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100818T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100818T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100818T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100818T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100819T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100819T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100819T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100819T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100820T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100820T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100820T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100820T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100821T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100821T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100821T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100821T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100822T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100822T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100822T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100822T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100823T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100823T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100823T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100823T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100824T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100824T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100824T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100824T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100825T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100825T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100825T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100825T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100826T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100826T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100826T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100826T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100827T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100827T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100827T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100827T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100828T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100828T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100828T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100828T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100829T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100829T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100829T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Kinetic Kreations Workshop with Aaron Kramer at CAFAM\n\nKineti c Kreations Workshop with Aaron Kramer\nUse a variety of tools\, household objects\, and other unusual materials to make sculptures that move! DTSTART:20100829T000000 DTEND:20100829T000000 SUMMARY:Kinetic Kreations Workshop with Aaron Kramer at CAFAM END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100829T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100830T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100830T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100830T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100830T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Sunday Night Live\n\nSun Jan 31 - Sun Nov 28\, 2010\nSunday Nig ht Live (The Ultimate Talent Contest) DTSTART:20100831T000000 DTEND:20101128T000000 SUMMARY:Sunday Night Live END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization\n\nSome Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization Curated by Shelby Grah am\, UCSC's Sesnon Gallery DTSTART:20100831T000000 DTEND:20100912T000000 SUMMARY:Some Assembly Required: race\, gender and globalization END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Strange Kozmic Experience\n\nStrange Kozmic Experience - the ex hibit explores the innovations\, legacies\, and continual impact of the ar tists who defined a generation: The Doors\, Janis Joplin\, and Jimi Hendri x. DTSTART:20100831T000000 DTEND:20110130T000000 SUMMARY:Strange Kozmic Experience END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20101006T134614Z CATEGORIES:Cultural Events DESCRIPTION:Dennis Hopper Double Standard\n\nDennis Hopper Double Standard\ , the first comprehensive survey exhibition of Dennis Hopper’s artistic career to be mounted by a North American museum DTSTART:20100831T000000 DTEND:20100926T000000 SUMMARY:Dennis Hopper Double Standard END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR